Sunday, 10 July 2011

Day 9 Sunday 10th July: Okaukuejo Camp, Etosha

We are going to be based at Okaukuejo for the next 6 nights so therefore decided a leisurely day ‘in camp’ was a good idea. Having slept late and had a delicious breakfast of Mishy’s fruit salad, yoghurts and homemade marmalade.
Just as we were about to settle into a quiet day of reading and relaxing the wind picked up and caused havoc in ‘tent town’. We scrambled around reinforcing our little homes and buttoning down the hatches. The wind died down after an hour or two at this stage we headed down to the waterhole to be confronted with a site none of us are likely to forget. Picture the scene; a waterhole the size of a school swimming pool in the middle of a parched dusty and rocky pan. As we arrived there were between two and three hundred animals swarming around the waterhole, all pressing for their turn to quench their thirst. Herds of 50 - 60 zebra would move in, spend ten minutes drinking and move off again only to be replaced by another herd, this time of wildebeest- then  giraffe, gemsbok, hundreds of Springbok; lone black rhino; some ellies, kudu, flocks of birds – one teeming mass of wildlife flowing in and out of the area for hours at a time. Of course the arrival of a lion would vacate the area in a few seconds. Sadly for us, we have yet to see lion at the waterhole, but in the early hours of this morning we woke to the sounds of roaring nearby. Maybe tomorrow?
Okaukuejo is truly one of the most unique and wonderful wildlife destinations any of us have been to.
Master Chef Jimmy’s stirfry is beckoning…. Good night.

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